Stage Water Filtration System
• Alkaline your water
Remove Fluoride, Chemicals and Heavy Metals
• Ionise and add Oxygen
Kill Pathogens and Fungus
Why do we need to alkalize our body?
The soil in Australia has become depleted in minerals. Even alkalizing foods are very low in minerals. Drinking alkaline water that is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and other minerals can replenish our internal ‘alkaline buffer’. Our body will use alkaline minerals to neutralise ingested and metabolic acids.
You are, literally, what you drink. If you drink acidic water (tap or some bottle water), you are going to be acidic. If you drink alkaline water, your body will be alkaline.
Drinking Alkaline Water can help:
- Eliminate acidic waste from the body
- Increase energy and vitality
- Improve gut microbiome
- Reduce inflammation
- Reverse reflux and gastro intestinal problems
- Prevent osteoporosis and improve bone health

Significant improvement in reversing chronic acidity and a change for the better health have been observed at Vibrant Health Clinic, when patients start drinking PureWay alkaline water.
Live Blood Analysis sample taken during initial consultation of patient suffering from chronic inflammation, fatigue, back pain and reflux. At the time drinking tap water.

Live Blood Analysis sample of the same patient after 2 months drinking PureWay alkaline water. No signs of chronic inflammation and acid waste crystals observed in the blood sample.
Significant improvement in the health of the patient. She no longer experience reflux and back pain. Patient has notice improvement in energy and vitality.

Why drink alkaline water?
Some non-professional opinion, supported and spread mainly by distributors of reverse osmosis systems, that the human body is not able to use the essential minerals from drinking water. Nevertheless, no study is available to support such idea. On the other hand, multiple studies have shown that absorption of Calcium from alkaline drinking water is more effective compare to absorption of calcium from dairy products.
World Health Organization ( WHO) emphasized the importance of mineral composition of drinking water and warned against the use of sodium cycle softening in the water treatment. Water softening is part of the town water treatment, which takes away essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium from our drinking water.
Over 100 scientific studies confirmed drinking water high in magnesium, calcium and other essential minerals lower the rate of mortality from cardiovascular disease and acute myocardial infarction.
A number of research studies found absorption of magnesium from food in the intestines is about 30%, while absorption of magnesium from water is about 60%.
Magnesium plays an important role as a cofactor of more then 300 enzyme reactions in the body. Magnesium supports energy production, synthesis of protein, transport of other minerals through membranes and promotes muscle health.
PureWay filtration system alkalizes the water by infusing magnesium, calcium, potassium and other essential minerals into the water.